Recent news about the printing industry
The author :管理员    Released in:2024-03-15 14:19:05   
Describe:printing industry news
1. Mimaki's environmentally conscious printing solution, TRAPIS: This new product could influence other companies in the industry to shift their focus towards environmentally-friendly solutions, which could redefine standards and expectations within the textile transfer printing field. It also suggests an increasing demand for green solutions from businesses' consumers.

2. First Ever VIATT attracting 17,262 visits: This shows that Vietnam's textile market is growing and may even be ready for more innovative solutions, offering opportunities for companies already in or interested in entering that market.

3. Alexander's Print Advantage adding another HP Indigo 100K Digital Press: This reinforces the important role technology and equipment play in the printing industry. It may motivate other businesses to invest more in their hardware to remain competitive.

4. Drytac's global availability of ReTac Clear PET: This wide availability will make it easier for print businesses all over the world to access high-quality materials, potentially improving the output and reputation of these businesses.

5. BOBST's highlight on the benefits of retrofitting and upgrading services: This emphasizes how important updates and maintenance are in keeping printing services efficient and high-quality. Businesses in the industry are encouraged to take such actions to ensure their offerings remain relevant and competitive in the market.

Each of these developments represents a trend or change that could affect how businesses in the printing industry operate or strategize. As such, it is important for these businesses to keep a close eye on news and updates in the industry.

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